• We propose incorporating ukiyo-e art into your daily life. Why not decorate your room with your favorite pieces in a free-spirited manner? You can display them any way you like, creating your own world, your own private art gallery. However, if you want to put a bit more thought into it, it might be fun to set a theme or concept for your display. For example, you could unify the colors or pay attention to the seasons depicted in the artwork. The most important thing is that if looking at your display makes you feel relaxed, then it’s perfect.

  • It doesn't have to be hung on the wall. You could place it by the window alongside your favorite small items. Changing the arrangement according to your mood each day is one of the joys of this flexibility.

  • It can also be interesting to lean it against your favorite chair or sofa. Considering the colors of the chair or sofa while displaying the artwork might offer an elevated way of enjoying it.

  • Dare to prop it up on the floor. No matter the scene, just by displaying ukiyo-e, you instantly create a new world view, which is the charm of it.